Quantum Energy Health Card
Quantum Energy Health Card
What is a Terahertz card?
This Terahertz Card is a smart accessory crafted with state-of-the-art quantum technology by German scientists. It consists of a combination of minerals, a Terahertz chip, and quantum circuits providing a charge of negative ions. Once absorbed by the body, it reorganizes frequency and energy, restoring equilibrium and connection to an original frequency, improving bodily functioning and providing a sense of harmony. Light waves penetrate skin and cells to oxygenate and enrich blood circulation, aiding healing and restoring natural energy conversion. Benefits include reduced inflammation, enhanced focus, increased energy, protection of DNA, and age retardation. To use, simply keep on person or under a pillow. It's safe and beneficial for children, offering improved mental focus. It offers beneficial energy for up to 3 years.
- Reduces inflammation in your body.
- Improves blood circulation.
- Destroys viruses and bacteria in your body.
- Improves your body's immune and endocrine systems.
- Increases your focus and concentration.
- Increases energy in your body.
- Helps protect DNA from damage.
- Strengthens the body's biological field, preventing electromagnetic waves from affecting your health.
- Slows the aging process.
- Helps with weight loss.
- Relieves all types of pains, joints, headaches, menstrual pains, etc.
- Simply put the card in your pocket or carry it with you as much as possible, the more you wear it or carry it with you, the more beneficial results you will achieve.
- Put it under your pillow to improve sleep and self regeneration/healing. For better results, you can also place the energy pendant in each of the four corners of your bed to create an energy field that can help you energize yourself while you sleep. You'll sleep better and wake up feeling more refreshed.
- To relieve eye puffiness and discomfort close your eyes and place the energy pendant over your eyes. The Energy Pendant can improve metabolism and blood circulation, thereby relieving eye swelling and discomfort.
- If you suffer from acne it can be very useful being that this card kills virus and bacteria in our body as well as balances us as a whole, being those two the main reasons of acne, imbalance of hormones/bacteria in our skin.
- Athletes can achieve better performance with greater flexibility and concentration.
This card is safe and beneficial for both children and babies. Children who wear the energy pendant have improved mental focus and perform better in class.
Does this Terahertz CARD have an expiration date?
This card will continue to provide beneficial Terahertz energy and quantum energy negative ions for up to 3 years.